Hello brides! Today’s blog post is about a very important part of your wedding day : getting ready! This is when it all starts to feel REAL. All the vendors start arriving, music is playing on a Bluetooth speaker, your maid of honor is making sure everyone has a mimosa, hair and makeup is starting, and then the moment hits that it’s time to put on your wedding dress. AHH!! As exciting as it is, there are definitely a few things to keep in mind so that your photos end up as beautiful as the moments. Here are my top 5 tips for getting beautiful getting ready photos:
Tips for beautiful getting ready photos :
- Choose a space with a lot of natural light. This means a lot of windows, and BIG windows! If you can choose a space that has a lot of beautiful light pouring in, your photos will look stunning. Especially if you chose a natural light photographer. I’ll open all the windows, turn off the lights in the room, and use the gorgeous light from the windows. Not only will your photographer love it, but so will your makeup artist! Natural light is the most flattering and displays your makeup artist’s work perfectly!
- Ask your bridesmaids to keep the space clean. I know this can be difficult when the bridal suite is tight + small and you’ve got a decent sized bridal party. As your photographer, I will already be looking out for and clearing bags and water bottles. But remind your bridesmaids before the big day to try to keep the space as tidy as possible!! Try to keep everyone’s things and bags to one side of the room. Of course, it’s not a big deal if things get a little messy. But it’s always great to have other people aware that we need a nice clean space (at least by the windows!)
- Give yourself lots of room. If possible, choose a room where you have plenty of room to spread out. Ideally, you’ll want space to have your mom & bridesmaids “helping” you into your dress for those fun fluffing photos! The more room, the better! If you have options, always go for the bigger space (as long as there is also natural light available! Natural light always trumps space). If you’re able to book the bigger hotel room so you can spread out (or two right next to each other to connect them) it’s always a great idea!!
- Tell your bridesmaids, mom, and whoever else is helping you get into your dress to be completely ready by the time you are putting on your dress! This is super important! There is nothing more embarrassing for them than when it comes time for you to put on your dress and for them to be in all the pictures than for them to not have any makeup or their hair in rollers. Send them all the timeline so they’re completely aware of when to be ready! Give them some buffer time and tell them to be ready a little sooner than they really need to be so they’re totally ready to go.
- Give yourself plenty of time. This will give yourself the time to relax and not rush, as well as give your photographer a chance to take some more creative photos of you getting ready! I typically recommend allowing 45 minutes for details for the first 45 minutes of shooting (while getting the final touches of your hair and makeup), then about 45 minutes for putting on your dress (this gives you plenty of buffer time as well, in case you fall behind). And always remember, a bride is never late. Everyone else is just early.

Photographer : Nikki Rinc Photography
Venue : Venue 1902